Connect with Cell Ministry

Connect with Cell Ministry

Hi there, I am Priscilla!
Lay Leader

LHMC members and friends are encouraged to join a Cell Group. Cells are little communities where authentic relationships can be nurtured by learning, sharing and having fellowship together. Cell Groups are where members can grow and develop vibrant faith together as believers.

Members and friends can practice their faith by obeying God and using their various gifts to serve in the church. They can serve as teachers in the Children’s Ministry, as ushers in greeting and welcoming worshippers, as helpers in the Outreach and Social Concerns Ministry or in any of the other ministries in LHMC. We can learn together and deepen our understanding of the Word by joining the courses conducted by our Discipleship and Nurture Ministry.

LHMC is a family church; members and friends can join our Family Day or Church Camp, held every alternate year, to enhance the fellowship and bonds within their families and the church family. In addition, we organise yearly community events to reach out in love to bless our neighbours.