Pledge & Offerings

Pledge & Offerings

Method #1: PayNow

Via QR Code or Unique Entity Number (UEN)

Please kindly indicate under the Bill Reference box

Method #2: Internet Banking

Please kindly make your transfer to:
DBS SAVINGS 029-004815-0
and email Finance Executive Ms Emily Go the following details:
1) Your Name
2) Transferred Amount
3) The Date of Transfer

Method #3: Cash or Cheque

You may drop your Pledge & Offerings Envelope with your cash or cheque into the Offering Bags during Service or Pledge & Offerings Box after Service.
If you wish to give your offerings during Monday – Friday, 9am – 6pm, please kindly make an appointment by calling the Church Office @ 6587 8810.

Other Forms of Offerings

Floral Offerings (1st Sunday only)

If you would like to express your dedications of love, praise, or thanksgiving to God through floral offerings for Sunday Services, please email at least 2 weeks in advance with the following details:
1. Full Name
2. Contact Information
3. Description of Dedication e.g. In Thanksgiving/In Remembrance
4. The Offering Amount (min. $50)
5. The Date of Offering

Thank you for making a floral offering donation. Please note that, as it is not always possible to utilize the exact sum for a particular week’s floral arrangements, the leftover amounts will be utilized for the subsequent week’s floral arrangements.

Thanksgiving Stones

If you would like to make a donation of $2500 as an everlasting testimonial of God’s faithfulness and kindness to His people through the installation of Thanksgiving Stones at our Thanksgiving Wall @ Atrium, do fill up this form and email